Whoops - I did the api wrong

clojure/conj Philadelphia, PA 2015

Philipp Meier – mailto:philipp@meier.name – @ordnungswprog

Motivation for this talk

Creator and Maintainer of liberator

Released to the public in 2009

320 commits for far

you can create quite some mess

People are really using it

Whoops, changing stuff might break other people's code

Users need to keep up with changes

track-changes.gif _

Changing the API will break other people's code

Oh no! Suffering from bad, early decisions

open-prs.png open-issues.png

That escalated quickly

Why is this bad?

If you cannot change the interface then you cannot provide the best access to features

Users overlook features

Users eventually reinvent features

Stimulates creativity in users

stimulating creativity is undesired

work arounds

workarounds are undocumented

  • hidden knowledge
  • promote cargo culting
  • eventually they are obsolete…
  • …and increase the burden of backward compatibility


  • "I like you library but not your api"
  • necessary to ease clojure access to java apis
  • new features not supported in wrapping layer
  • wrapping layer hides new features

shoe horning

square pegging

square pegging - it works

you know that expression?

they know that you are going to maintain this

Phantom bugs

API encourage simple mistakes which are hard to find

A case of miscommunication

  1. Order 500m of cable
  2. Receive 500ft of cable
  3. Curses being exchanged between over the atlantic ocean



Error handling

Use a dedicated error handling model

  • exceptions
  • special return values
  • error state

Whatever error model you choose

  • document
  • be consistent
  • it's part of the API

Blush time

Short sighted interface design in the wild

Staring… my code

Guest appearance by other people's code

Too many knobs

Liberator knobs liberator-knobs.png _

Not so many docstrings…

liberator-no-docs.png _

Phantom bugs!

(defresource frobnicator [db id]
  :exists           (fn [ctx] {::frob (load-from-db db id)})
  :e-tag            (fn [{frob ::frob}] (:_version frob))
  :handle-not-found (fn [ctx] (format "Frob not found with id %s" id))
  :handle-ok        (fn [{frob ::frob} frob]))

Phantom bugs!

(defresource frobnicator [db id]
  :exists?          (fn [ctx] {::frob (load-from-db db id)})
  :e-tag            (fn [{frob ::frob}] (:_version frob))
  :handle-not-found (fn [ctx] (format "Frob not found with id %s" id))
  :handle-ok        (fn [{frob ::frob} frob]))


Lego composes

Variadic map arguments

…do not compose too well

(defn load-entity [db & {:as opts}] ...)
(def default-opts {:eager true :keywordize false :fetch-depth 5})
(defn load-customer [db id]
  (apply load-entity db (merge default-ops :query {:id id}))
;; => IllegalArgumentException No value supplied for key: [:fetch-depth 5]  clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap.create (PersistentHashMap.java:77)
(apply load-entity my-db (apply concat (merge default-ops :query {:id id}))

Apply concat apply function?

(->> some-opts (apply concat) (apply load-entitiy))

kidding.png _


Once you're in macro-land you need stay in macro-land

macro-apply anyone?

(defresource foo :handle-ok "ok")
(def defaults {:exists? (fn [_] (zero? (rand-int 1)))})
(apply defresource bar (merge defaults {:handle-ok "ok"}))
;; => CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't take value of a macro: #'liberator.core/defresource, compiling:(/private/var/folders/p1/47jm9vq12g93ry9vf525h7vh0000gn/T/form-init2406362871536982238.clj:1:1)

prevents reuse & promotes code duplication

liberator had to extend the api

find backward compatible way

optional map as first argument

(defresource bar defaults {:handle-ok "ok"})

better stay away from macros

(def bar (resource defaults :handle-ok "ok"))
(def bar (resource (merge defaults {:handle-ok "ok"}))

Incomplete API

Unhandled edge cases…

…lead to workarounds

(fn [ctx]
 (ring-response "response-body" {:headers {"X-Foo" "bar"}))))

But this is what you need to do

(fn [ctx]
 ;; workaround until issue #152 is fixed
 (-> "response-body"
     (as-response (assoc-in ctx [:representation :media-type] "text/plain"))
     (assoc-in [:headers "X-Foo"] "bar")

Clojure users expect nil punning

(defn print-my-stuff [stuff]
  (println (str "Stuff: " (.toString stuff))
;; => NullPointerException   clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeNoArgInstanceMember (Reflector.java:301)


Missing error handling

;; since 0.12.0
(defresource foo
  :handle-exception (fn [{e :exception :as context}]
                      ...) ;; hurray





My God, it's full of atoms

(def system-state (atom {})
(def another-state (atom {})
(def auxiliary-state (atom {})
(def state-manager-state (atom {})
(def yetanother-state (atom {})

Problems with too many atoms

  • No coordination between atoms
  • Functions no longer referentially transparent
  • Functions expect "initialization"

Use Explicit arguments

Use single atom to hold all the system state

Pass the value, not the atom to functions


(def state (atom {:system-state {}
                  :another-state {}
                  :auxiliary-state {}
                  :yetanother-state {}})

*-in is your friend

(defn start-ingest [state file]
  (start-ingest-in-background file)
  (assoc-in state [:system-state :ingest :status] :running))

(swap! state start-ingest file)
  • Easier to test
  • Can use multiple instances

Or use dynamic binding

(def ^:dynamic db)

(with-db (connect some-url)
  (fetch-from-db some-db))

Nice to avoid endless passing of handles

(defn exec [db query] ...)
(defn fetch [db entity id]
  (exec db (build-query entity id)))
(defn load-user [db id]
  (fetch db :user id))
(defn authorized? [db id role]
  (let [user (load-user db id)]

But what if you want to connect to more than one db?

Fixing it

Out of band documentation

Explain the design motivation

Explain the model and abstractions

TODO Liberator uses the ring interface

;; request
{:request-method :get :headers {...}}
;; response
{:status 418 :body "I'm a teapot" :headers {...}}
;; request handler
(fn [req]
  {:status 418 :body "I'm a teapot" :headers {...}})

Liberator holds state in the context

;; this is passed as the context
{:status ...
 :request ...
 :representation ...
 :resource ...
 :whatever-you-want ...}
;; every decision function
(fn [ctx]
  {:foo "some value"} ;; context update
;; context is "merged" with context update

This is actually documented!

(Insert applause jingle here)

Liberator provides a high level view on what's going on

decision-graph.png _


(defprotocol Resource
  (exists? [ctx] "returns true when the resource currently exists")
  (existed? [ctx] "returns true when the resoues previosly existed")
  (handle-ok [ctx] "returns the representation of resource entity")



(defrecord StringResource [s last-modified]
  (representations [_]
    [{:media-type "text/plain" :charset platform-charsets}])

  (last-modified [_ _] last-modified)

  (version [_ _] s)

  (GET [_ _] s))

om-next does this

Wrapping it up

API Design is about the users

Plan ahead

Find the right abstraction

con•ven•ience (kən-vēnˈyəns)

or expressiveness?

Forget everything

take the users perspective

assume nothing

how far do you get only reading docstring

Observer the users

How are they using your library

Search on github

Ask for context and motivation on bug reports

Thank you!

Final words

Talk is licensed [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

Attribution of pictures

Trapdoor: English Lock at en.wikipedia [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], from Wikimedia
Commons https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/Trapdoor.jpg